The Reyes Watch Watch is ON!

Hello and welcome to the Reyes Watch Watch.  If you are new, what a watch watch is is when I keep an eye to see if the media is circling round someone.  The origins of this come from the old Willie Watch, and in recent years has been the annual Terry Watch Watch.  In this case, we’re watching out for a Reyes Watch.

This is our first Reyes Watch Watch, so let’s keep an eye to see if the MSM starts coming for Jose.

First up, the Post wonders how long can the Mets stick with him?   Well, Friday night is Jose T-Shirt night – and you know Mets fans love tees.  We even destroyed our ace but nobody cares because we got cool t-shirts withs nappy hashtags on them, so who cares that we lost our best pitcher?  (I know, I know, somebody stepped on his foot – he’s still recovering from that foot injury.  It had nothing to do with 138 pitches.  Enjoy your shirt, do you still have it?)

Then with the Nats in town, there’s no way the Mets would add Reyes Chaos to the mix.  But a quiet Sunday night DFA?  Unlikely but theoretically possible, and I say that in Sandy Aldersonspeak.  It’s conceivable.

Then there’s this tweet

…which is nice of the matter to say – but at some point the GM is going to ring his phone. Not that the GM does that. Terry totally decides to play Conforto all on his own.

Then we get to the issue of 3B in general. If you don’t trust Flores, what was the backup plan here? Did the Mets really think David Wright was going to play? I know we all like to lie to ourselves, but we all know the deal.