Pictures from Mets Photo Day

The very cool much upgraded @mets account hooked us up with the below. It makes me happy to see the Mets are sharply dressed in their primary uniforms. Now if they can just win the World Series while wearing these I can shut down my silly blog as promised…


The @BKCyclones asked what we thought of the Jersday jerseys…I tell them

Well they didn’t ask ME, they asked all of us via social media…

Jersday Header

These Cyclones are really good at getting money out of me every year.  If the parent club ever starts doing this I will be broke. (Note to parent club, you guys like money, right???)

From right to left….

A)  Nothing wrong with it.  Doesn’t excite me, but I don’t dislike it

Jersday 626

B)  I like it.  Would need to see it in real-life.  Is it long sleeved?  Then I want one.  I will have to send @mediagoon to Brooklyn

Jersday 717

UPDATED: It is long-sleeve and here is what it looked like in 2013

cyclones 2013 hockey jersey

Nice but I like the blue better.

C)  Plain…but I like it.

Jersday 724

D)  Nice look.  I have a green Cyclones which I will share a little closer to St. Patrick’s Day…but this would be a nice addition to my wardrobe.

Jersday 731

E)  Awesome town…let’s take a closer look.

Jersday 821

That one is just about perfect. Maybe add a red number to the front on an “authentic” but that’s snazzy.

Now for whatever reason the banner ad I grabbed does not include this next one, also snazzy…

Jersday 814a

UPDATE: seems that the Jersey Pack like all packs has 5 games…and this is a 6th jersey not part of that particular pack.

Really great job by whoever you are behind this promotion and these designs. I hope Misters Wilpon know you and can pay you some fundage to bring your talents to Queens.