Has anyone seen a 2011 Mets pocket schedule?

As for as Mets Policing goes, this is the equivalent of jaywalking…but have the Mets printed pocket schedules yet?  Has anyone actually seen one?  I’m being told they haven’t.  (I implicitly trust my tipster).

Yes it’s 2011 and you can get schedules elsewhere – but they are kinda cool to have.


What if Jose Reyes wore a button variant of the 1987 Mets road jersey?

Mike writes:

I’m really not a fan of the Mets current road uniforms, especially with all the BLACK and DROP SHADOWS! So I took an one of the old uniforms and photshopped it onto a new uniform design, what do you think?

I like what you did. However, I love love love the traditional road font. Some day the drop shadow will leave, I will post my picture of VJ day (VB Day?) and we can all get on to complaining about something else. Now about the black fence…

The Magic 8 Ball in the Mets bullpen

Here’s a fun read about the bag the Mets have for the BP including bug spray and…

Among the most important items in it is a Magic 8 Ball, the hand-held toy that purports to predict the future. The purpose of the game depends on the user and his belief in the supernatural. It could serve as a mere diversion, or a portent, as Debus demonstrated recently by grabbing it out of the chest and asking it a question.

via Mets’ Newcomer Known for Versatility and Durability – NYTimes.com.