John Sterling Is Your Uncool Buddy

John Sterling could actually be ‘good’ if he would just drop the annoying forced cliches.   He’s a comfortable listen until he starts with “It is high! It is far!  It’s off the top of the wall!”

I’m not a physics major but maybe it could have had a high arc and hit the wall. Maybe it was hit ‘far’ to hit any 8 foot fence but how could it be high and far and come down at such any abrupt angle?

Imagine you’re at the sports bar and you’re buddy says to you, “An A-Bomb for A-Rod!”.  You would punch him in the nose and go look for some girls to talk to.

What about your socially awkward coworker who calls the first baseman “The Giambino.”.

And what the heck is “Robbie Cano and what do you know” or whatever it is he says.  Last time anyone talked like that they were in black and white and wearing a fedora.

Sterlingnator, just call the game and stop with the signature calls.    It’s not cool at all.