Mets Honor New York Baseball Giants

So much has been made of the fact that the Mets & the Wilpons almost go overboard in honoring the memory of the Brooklyn Dodgers while ignoring that other New York NL team, the Giants.

Well, looks like the Mets did decide to recognize the Giants – they just didn’t tell anyone about it.

Take a look at the outfield wall at Citi Field. Notice the colors?

Black and orange

Shannon and I looked but could not see that specific combination anywhere else in the park.

Those were the Giants colors.

Now whether it was inadvertent or deliberate, who knows. Regardless it’s nice to think that the Giants are being recognized (after all, they did win more World Series than that Brooklyn team).

You are invited to view Mets’s photo album: Citi Field Wall
Citi Field Wall
Apr 3, 2009
by Mets

One Reply to “Mets Honor New York Baseball Giants”

  1. The green seats also I believe pay homage to the Polo Grounds. I went to the Glory Days Of Baseball exhibit and they had polo ground seats which were a similar deep green color

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