Here’s the details of Friday’s #MetsFansUnited (1.0) Conference Call

Mets Police has learned that the original failed #MetsFansUnited, the guys that lost the hashtag to me in April and are now trying to regroup, have a conference call scheduled for 10pm Friday.  A convenient time for sure, and past my bed time so they surely don’t want me on it.

I’m looking forward to the Frank “The Tank” Fleming Announcing event for Saturday August 25th.

I am especially impressed by the pressure that MFU1.0 is putting on the Wilpons by letting February become almost September.  At this pace the Wilpons will be forced out by 2130.

Thanks to Mets Fans United Mole for the hookup.

Mets Fans United 2.0, founded in April after these guys disappeared for two months, is of course my group of positive Mets fans who support the Mets.  Hashtag #metsfansunited.  Say hi on twitter and say something nice about the Mets and be sure to use the positive hashtag #metsfansunited!