The Virus!

Are you familiar with “Viris Guy?”   There’s someone on twitter who keeps creating accounts, and if you mention Jose Reyes this guy chimes in and says something along the lines of Reyes having ruined the Mets etc etc and almost always specifically calls the guy a Virus.

Virus Guy should send me some coins in the tip jar.

At some point this season I found the entire thing hilarious and started just calling #7 “The Virus” – and it seems to have caught on in a fun silly way, not the obsessed way Virus Guy does.

I a actually hoping that The Virus comes back next season only because I like typing The Virus.

Now don’t get me wrong, I NEVER liked The Virus as a player.  I didn’t even like him the first time when you guys thought he was someone from a Meat Loaf song.  the Jose of your dreams that would walk, steal three bases and then do a coordinated dance with Pedro Martinez.  I didn’t even like that guy – so believe me I don’t like the guy who ran out the door to the Marlins and then had some interesting domestic situation headlines I want no part of in life or on my team.

Anyway, I am not sure what the point of this article is/was other than I enjoy typing The Virus, and the whole thing makes me laugh, and I’m on an airplane today.