Explain to me: MLB Hides Games 162 and 163 and makes West Coast Fans watch early game??

Hey Baseball,

I really am trying to help here.

First of all yesterday you had a nice opportunity to showcase some exciting Game 162 action.  There were four games that mattered.  You have the actually smart plan where everyone plays at the same time.  Even I was in the mood for some baseball.   Annnnnnnd…..

TBS Showed Yankees-Red Sox.   Nothing on ESPN.   MLBN sort of dipping in but not in a way that made it easy to watch (study the Red Zone channel fellas).

Now today you have two exciting tie-breakers.  The Cubs host the Brewers at 1 and the Dodgers host the Rockies at 4pm Eastern.

Wait wait wait wait…..the Dodgers host the Rockies at 4pm Eastern?

The poor West Coast baseball fans that make us have to stay up late for a month are playing at 4pm Eastern?  I thought there was no way they could watch a playoff baseball game before 5 local time?   And this is a game for their home team?   Shouldn’t this game be at 10pm Eastern if we actually care about thee West Coast Fans?    You cannot argue this both ways….

Also why is baseball hiding what could be a really exciting day?  Monday Night Football?  Stop being cowards and take it on.  Travel?  Isn’t the point of the Wild Card is that it puts you at a disadvantage?  You had six months to win the division the way the Braves did – so tooted, get your ass on a 1am flight and drag yourself to the ballpark tomorrow and be tied on Thursday while the Braves sleep in.  They earned it, you did not.

It is insane to me that baseball hid the games yesterday and have them out of the way today.  That Cubs game is at 10 IN THE MORNING ON A MONDAY for the West Coast Fans.   You guys tell me care about West Coast Baseball Fans,  just not today.

Point being – play these things at something like 6:40pm Eastern.  Play all the weekday playoff games at 6:40 Eastern, and sprinkle in some daytime playoffs in the later rounds.

This is wildly inconstant, and specific to games 162 and 163…..stupid.