Mets Police Morning Laziness: avoid everyone else’s Clickbait today and just read this summary

SLACKISH REACTION:  I think we need to go straight to NOT LINKING because you all seem to be falling for things…

  1.  Old Man on Radio upset Mets COULD have Tebow in the OF.  This is radio 101.  And you guys fell for it.  Stop.  The Old Man Played You.  Go find some cool podcasts and stop listening to that.
  2. Annoying Agent Guy Accuses Mets Of Being Cheap Yet Again.   Whatever, he does this every year.  It means nothing.
  3. The same Annoying Agent Guy Says he has never met Wags.  Whatever.  You think every agent knows every other agent?  You think everyone in your industry knows everyone in your industry?  Non-story.
  4. Mets have “interest” in whoever Andrew Miller is.  Who is this?  Baseball does not have stars.
  5. The AAIMBR seriously handed in an article that reviews Plawecki’s 2018.  WTF people?  Really?
  6. Mets “kicking the tires on bringing back Cabrera”   No they aren’t.  Come on.

If you are new, NOT LINKING saves you the trouble of clicking on nonsense, and there’s a lot of nonsense out there, and Mets Blog is in full clickbait mode as they have been for most of 2018.

Have you added Mets Police to Apple News?

Some mornings the French use the word mets in sentences and it messes up my searches.  Today is extra random…