The Unspeakable

Something has been bothering me.  I dare not speak it.

I’ve been watching baseball a long time.  Since 1977.

Every now and then a player starts playing so well that the fans start wondering, “Wow, how can he be so good?”

And every time….the answer has been the same.  Every time.

And I have that sinking feeling all of a sudden.

I didn’t have it before, and in retrospect maybe I should have, but now I have it and I can’t shake it.

I hope I am wrong, but I never am.  The answer is always the same.

The signs are there now.  The answer in front of us.  And yet none of us are ready to face it.

How could this be happening?  Why would this happen?  It didn’t need to happen.  It’s not true.  It’s impossible.

That’s what we always say.   But the answer is always the same.  Every time.

We’ll say it’s not the case this time.  The media will go about its business of only covering what is handed to them by the team.

Search your feelings, you know it to be true.  You won’t shake the feeling now either.

Every time.