5 Words to describe the Mets

The Mets survey asked folks to name five words that describe the Mets. I asked for your submissions. Here’s a few for starters:

George: frustrating, predictable, mismanaged, remote, depressing
RCR: Disgruntled, Underacheiving, Overpaid, Uninspired, Unorganized

however Maggie went the haiku* route (I know a haiku isn’t 5 words but whatever) with one..

Maggie: second-class citizens to the Yankees


Mags, let it go. The frontrunners will be back as soon as Sandy & Colactus clear out Omar’s payroll. Even if the Mets run off 25 straight titles we’ll still have to listen to Yankees fans.

Got five? Hit the comments…

The Mets Google Ngram viewer

Did you ever wonder how often the word Mets appears in the history of books?   Google has a new toy that lets you punch words in to see how often they appear.

To little surprise, the Mets didn’t start appearing until after 1960.

Here’s a different graph which shows 1960-2010.

What does it all mean?  I have no idea except (a) the line goes up, (b) I killed 10 minutes at work and (c) we’re one post closer to Opening Day.

Click on the graphs for a bigger version.

Oh, and no I didn’t solve the code tweaking to get rid of the black-shirts ads.