ESPN’s What If Buckner Had Fielded The Ball Cleanly

ESPN did a cool piece.

What’s often forgotten is that when Mookie hit that grounder through Buckner’s legs, the Red Sox had already blown their lead and the game was tied. Even if Buckner does make the play, the two clubs head to the 11th inning. Which team would have been better-equipped after the 10th? It’s probably a toss-up. The Red Sox had three reliable-if-unspectacular relievers left in their bullpen, while Mets manager Davey Johnson might have turned to Sid Fernandez, a starter during the regular season who had tossed four innings of scoreless relief in Game 5 (and would pitch flawlessly again in Game 7).

But for the moment, let’s assume the Mets eventually win Game 6.

I won’t spoil the ending for ESPN so click the link.

Meanwhile the Mets Police wonder things like:

What if:  the Mets kept Kazmir?
What if:  the Mets kept Kevin Mitchell rather than protect Gooden & Straw from drugs (ha)
What if:  the Mets didn’t trade McDowell & Dyskstra for nobody?
What if:  the Mets protected Seaver in 1984
What if: the Mets called games on rainy days rather than jack everyone for parking.

I could go on, and I will – it’s a long offseason

NFL Race Rules Cost Haslett

So the Rams hired Jim Haslett. He went 2-0. They wanted to name him permanent coach. The NFL said no because the team has to interview minorities in the offseason. So Haslett is an "interim coach."

Now the Rams are playing crappy and it's looking like Haslett won't get to keep the job.

Meanwhile in SF Coach Singletary is 0 and 2. I haven't done my homework on this but as a 49ers fan I only hear him referred to as Head Coach not 'interim coach.'. Are the Niners ok to go out and offer him a multiyear deal? Why is it ok to offer it to Singletary but not Haslett? Shouldn't the Niners also have to interview qualified candidates this offseason?

I think the policy was well intentioned but when it results in people not getting jobs or people being given 'no chance' interviews (like Tony Pena had with the Yankees) what's the point. It's more insulting than anything.

Let the Rams hire Haslett if that's what they want and give Singletary a deal if that's what SF wants. It's time to move on from the time when Doug Williams was a "black quarterback."

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Good Luck To Bears

The Newark Bears may have a new owner. That's good for the Atlantic League, a very cool league – and good for Newark. Personally I think Newark is an ugly place to go. You can drop a brand new unnecessary hockey arena in the middle of town, but its still a scary dark block to the parking lot and you can forget about mass transit if you live west of Newark.

My negativity aside I'd like to see the Bears succeed (although they won't) for the good of the league.

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Good Lupica On Stadium Ripoffs

Good Lupica today

This week the News’ Juan Gonzalez reported that over the past several years the Yankees have overstated their expenses by more than $24 million as a way of underpaying rent to the city. Gonzalez reported in the same column that since 2001 the city has forgiven the Yankees $5 million a year off its annual rent to pay for planning costs on its new baseball palace across 161st Street from the old one. When caught, the Yankees agreed to pay up in full, making it sound practically heroic.

It was also in the Times this week that the cost to the city on infrastructure for both new New York City ballparks – parks, garages, road improvements, commuter rail stations – has jumped by $458 million over time. In addition, the Times reminded us that the two teams, combined, are getting nearly half-a-billion in city, state and federal tax breaks.

Gary Carter Is A Quack + Willie Watch

The new manager of the LI Ducks is……Gary Carter?

Why Gary?  That job can’t pay that much.   Do you hope to win 100 games (does the Atlantic League even play 100 games) and prove you deserve a shot to snipe at Jerry Manuel the next time the Mets drop 4 straight?

Meanwhile Willie took a job as…..the Brewers bench coach?   Under a new manager?   What’s the strategy there – hope the new guy sucks?   Why not hit the beach and enjoy Omar’s money?   Isn’t it odd that Hank didn’t throw this guy a Yankee bone?   Very odd.

Anyway it was nice to write something original instead of a bunch of links to other people’s hard work.  Nothing much happening in Flushing since Seaver walked out of the building in September.